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Portrait Annette Krop-Benesch

If you work and life with light, there are many aspects to consider. Covering the topics light pollution, ecology of the night, biological rhythms and sleep, I offer:

  • Talks for interested lay-people, adults as well as students of all ages and background
  • Seminars about the ecological and healt-related effects of artificial light for experts, e.g. on landscape and urban planning, architects, medical experts
  • Consultation for towns and companies
  • Individual Consultation for a better and healthier use of artificial light in your daily environment
  • Articles for lay-people and experts
  • Visits to school classes for all ages
  • My professional interest about the impact of natural and artificial light on the biological rhythms of humans and animals started about 20 years ago. For several years I have studied them in captive and wild animals and adviced researchers all over the world. In 2012 I started communicating this fascinating topic to experts and lay-people of all ages and backgrounds. As a member of the interdisciplinary networks Verlust der Nacht and Loss of the night network (LoNNe) I am in contact with international experts on light, night and light pollution.

    Do you want to know more about artificial light? Are you interested in a talk, seminar or article? Contact me!


    2013: Defender of the Dark Sky by the International Dark Sky Association for the organisation team of the First International Conference on Artificial Light at Night ALAN 2013

    2007: Hans-Christian-Schröder-Hohenwarth-Award of the Senckenbergischen Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Frankfurt am Main for the best publication 2006 in the public science magazine „Natur und Museum”


    Flyer on talks and seminars Die dunkle Seite des Lichts: Die Bedeutung der Lichtverschmutzung für Tiere und Menschen